In 2009, ABC aired a new show called Shark Tank, and since then, they have helped many people reach their entrepreneurial dreams. We’ve compiled a list of just a few of the Black-owned companies featured on Shark Tank.
With a goal to treat all of their clients like kings, Hammer & Nails provides a wide range of grooming services. Whether it’s a fresh new cut or a nice sharp pedicure, you can relax in their man-cave that features comfortable chairs, awesome TVs, and a complimentary beverage. The founder Michael Elliot didn’t get a deal, but viewers invested in the company themselves.
Founded by Mikaila Ulmer when she was just eight years old, Me & the Bees Lemonade is a delicious drink with a purpose—to save the bees. Mikaila uses local honey and her great grandmother’s recipe and to create this special drink. Shark Daymond John invested $60K in the company, and it took off from there.
Co-founders Ben Young and Gregory Coleman launched Sworkit, a personalized and interactive fitness workout app. They negotiated a deal with Mark Cuban at $1.5 million for 10% stake in the company—the largest tech startup funding in the history of Shark Tank.
Started by three powerful women, Simply Panache is a national event planning firm that specializes in personalized parties and events. They’re mostly known for their mango preserves—‘Mango Mango’—made with only four natural ingredients. Use their mango preserves in cream cheese fruit dip and mango ginger shrimp recipes. They didn’t receive any deals, but their business is booming and expanding.
Raven Thomas is the founder of this company that sells delicious chocolate covered pretzels and pretzel bark. Thomas never thought her pretzels would become such a success. Mark Cuban gave her $100K for 25% of the company, and she now sells to over 6,000 stores.
Chad Hall created Remodelmate, an online marketplace for buying, selling, and managing home renovation. Committed to transparency, the business helps consumers at every step of the remodeling process.
Developed by Lydia Evans, the SW&G Bar is a 3-in-1 loofah soap that cleanses, exfoliates, and disinfects skin in one use. Her brand also offers products from colognes to foot treatments. She didn’t get a deal on the show, but with the help of Cedric the Entertainer, her company is thriving.
Tim Talley created a way to make lacing sneakers with a variety of colored laces and patterns an easy process—you don’t have to tie them at all! U-Lace is there for the consumer with the consumer in mind, allowing you to embrace your creative style. U-Lace was a huge hit before Shark Tank, but things only got better when Mark Cuban invested $200K for 35% equity.
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