
Category : Business Strategy

The category is designed to provide insights and strategies for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, stay competitive, and stay ahead of industry trends.

Business StrategyEntrepreneurship

The 4 Levels of Listening: Why Every Good Entrepreneur Should Talk Less

Charles Wundengba
My father has a string of aphorisms he’s been saying for years that still resonate with what’s going on today. One of my favorites is this: “We have...
Business Strategy

This Important Leadership Skill Isn’t Hard to Master, But Most Don’t Do It

Charles Wundengba
Active listening is a vastly underappreciated skill. Research suggests that because we hear speech at a rate of 500-1000 words per minute, and only speak 125-175 words per...
Business Strategy

Warren Buffett: 5 Things You Can Learn From the Man Who Invested $1 Billion in Apple

Charles Wundengba
Known for his frumpy appearance, it’s not obvious at first glance that Warren Buffett is today worth more than $65 billion. Sure, he runs a multinational holding company...
Business Strategy

6 Genuine Reasons Why People Become Entrepreneurs

Charles Wundengba
There are a host of reasons why individuals choose to become entrepreneurs over the more traditional route of becoming employees. Only you can decide the...
Business Strategy

How To Start An Event Planning Company with Nothing!

Charles Wundengba
Weddings, Conferences, Musical Concerts, naming and birthday ceremonies will never cease to be celebrated. They take place in the country almost every weekend and we can...
Business Strategy

7 Leadership Lessons For Growth

How do you create a culture that develops your abilities to Produce at a level that marks up a phenomenal influence to others’ capability to...
Business Strategy

4 Things I Learnt From My High School Mentor About Leadership

Charles Wundengba
Mentors are treasures. They are valuable “minerals” that require delicate digging to discover. It means if you need a mentor, you must get digging; it...
Business Strategy

The dark side of transparency

Executives need to get smarter about when to open up and when to withhold information so they can enjoy the benefits of organizational transparency while...
Business Strategy

Essence of Leadership? Seeing Triumph in Tragedy.

Charles Wundengba
“In 1914 Thomas Edison’s factory in West Orange, New Jersey, was virtually destroyed by fire. Although the damage exceeded $2 million, the buildings were insured...