
Don’t Let Fear Conquer Your Greatness

Don’t Let Fear Conquer Your Greatness
I’m sure if you thought in terms like that, you would be a high-action-oriented person, hardly ever second guessing anything. Most people don’t realize or even come close to acknowledging the incredible potential that they are capable of. I believe that we all have greatness deep within us from the time we were born. However, somewhere along the way and the older we get, we let fear completely take over and rob us of the realization of just how powerful we really are.

This is extremely important because some of the most talented people in the world never get that idea off the ground, write their first book that they always wanted to write, open up their own business, or do something remarkable with their life, all because of fear.

Can you remember something you once wanted to achieve or a goal that you set for yourself, and the first thought that came to mind was “I can’t really do this” or “How will I ever be able to achieve this goal?”

I know I have had plenty of those moments. I always would set huge goals and then think to myself, “Stop kidding yourself Matt, you can’t do that.” It’s a natural human reaction to have those thoughts occur when you set huge goals for yourself, goals that will make you grow as an individual and stretch your current way of thinking.

Just know that those feelings of fear are completely natural and happen to everyone who has achieved greatness or done something remarkable. However, what must not happen regardless of how uncomfortable it may be at first is to let those same exact feelings prevent you from taking massive action and constantly moving forward. This unfortunately is a category that most people fall into.

There is a huge difference between feeling fear and letting that fear hold you back. If we want to achieve greatness and reach our full potential in life, one thing is for certain: We have to move past the fear and take action anyway! Fear wants you to stall and stay still. Fear and mediocrity go hand in hand. Don’t let them defeat you like they have defeated so many.

That is the whole point and purpose of setting big goals. They help us grow and move out of our comfort zone. If you line up some of the best innovators and highest achievers, I can almost guarantee you that they will tell you they felt tons of fear when they began to take action on their brilliant ideas. What they didn’t do is stop. They didn’t let the fear or thought of failure win the battle of their minds.

I challenge you from here on out to constantly expand your vision as to what’s possible in your life. The more we can see ourselves victorious and not being paralyzed by fear, the more that will prompt us to actually take action and get going.

The next time fear pops up, just go. The more you think about your fears, the more those fears start to define you. You were born to be great, so don’t you dare let fear conquer you!

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