
How To Reduce Workplace Stress Levels: 9 Practical Tips

How To Reduce Workplace Stress Levels: 9 Practical Tips

Stress is a perennial problem. While some stress in the workplace can be beneficial, as it can motivate you to perform under pressure, too much of it, or for too long, is a recipe for disaster.

The amount of stress that you are facing on a daily basis is growing, and it can be difficult to find ways to reduce it, even when you are away from your job. This can hamper relationships, cost you sleep or even damage your health.

While stress is a part of life, there are ways to cope better. Below, nine members of Forbes Coaches Council share one practical strategy that modern professionals can easily incorporate into their lives to reduce stress.

Photos courtesy of individual members.

Coaches suggest a few ways you can reduce workplace stress levels.


1. Feel The Ground Beneath Your Feet

Pause, feel your feet on the ground. Literally, stop wherever you are and wiggle your toes, take a deep breath and feel the ground beneath your feet. This simple yet practical action can be done anywhere, anytime, and quickly helps you become mindfully aware, grounded and present for whatever lies ahead. Being mindful allows you to make clear decisions and be less reactive, thereby reducing stress. – Michelle Burke, Energy Catalyst Group


2. Practice Meditation

Still at the top of my list for reducing stress is meditation. While exercise is also important, this one practice has had significant, positive impact. I remember having a particularly bad day as an entrepreneur. Later, when I was home alone I thought “Why aren’t I crying and feeling sorry for myself right now?” I realized it was the meditation. I had started practicing twice a day a month earlier. – Maria Lena Popo, AMP10x

3. Be In The Moment

Rule No. 1 in life is to breathe. If you are breathing, you are alive and you are OK. Learn to be where you are in this moment right now. The present is everything. It’s a simple rule, but easy to forget. Just breathe. – Lauren Wiswall, CoachLogix

4. Get Rid Of Caffeine

We all have stress in our life. A little stress is a good thing; too much stress can be a real problem. So, how do we manage stress? Exercise is important; however, other popular approaches including music, meditation, yoga or walking on the beach. Based on personal experience, my No. 1 suggestion is eliminating caffeine. It might be painful at first, but you will be amazed at the results – Rick Bisio, The Educated Franchisee

5. Declutter Your To-Do List

Decluttering does not only mean ensuring that your spaces are tidy and orderly, but it also includes your to-do list. Consider the impact of non-urgent tasks holding space in your to-do queue. What tasks on your list are non-essential? Can you let go of them? I find that this inquiry, if done daily, can dramatically reduce mental clutter and stress. – Indira Jerez, INNERtia Project

6. Spend More Time With Those You Love

Spend at least 15 minutes a day of uninterrupted, technology-free, intentional time with the things or people you love and who bring you joy. This can be a partner, kids, friends, fur babies, a book or music. Engaging more frequently in the things that evoke joy in our lives brings about an attitude of gratitude. When we are in a state of gratitude, we are less likely to be as stressed. – Sharma Graham, M.A.D.E. To Lead

7. Focus On Fulfilling Your Vision

Get clear about your end in mind. Write the vision and hold yourself accountable to it. Your goals, actions, decisions and priorities should intentionally support you living to the vision. Anything that doesn’t align or support your vision should be decided upon thoughtfully. – June Stewart, Amplify Partners, LLC

8. Be True To Yourself

Be yourself. All of the tools, strategies and techniques will never do a thing unless you are being true to yourself. What does this mean practically? Stop pretending you are something you are not. Stop doing things that are not authentically true to who you are. Stop holding yourself to standards or values that are not aligned to your inherent self. Then, you will begin to live stress free. – Joanna Green, Joanna M Green

9. Stop Seeking Approval

Letting go of needing approval from others of your life decisions is so liberating. When you are constantly in the throes of making decisions on the premise of “what will others think,” you will never feel completely fulfilled and you will constantly doubt yourself. The freedom that comes with living life without truly worrying or needing approval from others reduces a lot of anxiety and stress. It also allows you to gain clarity on what really matters for your personal development. – Christie Lindor, The MECE Muse
Source: Forbes.com
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