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1 comment

Fonakwo Edward Tawa August 12, 2020 at 9:04 am

Why African Youths Must Unite in Purpose For Africa; Unity for African by Fonakwo Edward Tawa .

In this present age and time, with the all rising challenges that the world is faced with, Africa is not left out .

The problem is, how do we survive and emerge in the mist of all this economic, sociopolitical and the covid19 pandemic shackles that seem to be choking the world?.
What do we do to fight an invisible enemy while some of us are still busy fighting one another?.
It is time that we unite as humanity and put every difference we where introduced to and fight head on as a people who want success and good legacy for our next generation.
African youths all over the world should unite and change the status quo with the new mindset of emerging in every challenge.
In the mist of these crisis ,I have experienced the most transformative ideas and solutions from African youths across Africa that has made me to come to an understanding that African is endowed not only with natural resources but she has a rich human resource yet to be utilized.

I have seen new businesses arise and others shutting down ,but what makes the difference between those shutting down and those rising is Called unity in purpose, there is a saying ” United we stand and divided we fall and brake”.
The African Youths while celebrating the International Youth Day 2020 in the mist of chaos should put this at the front of their mind , that we need to work together if we desire to become the best.
Entrepreneurs in different industries should unite and work together, knowing that we are fighting one enemy (poverty) who has taken a grip in our continent for so long now. I know without an iota of doubt that this is the generation that will lift Africa to the lamplight in the world of innovation and Technology.
When ever I read people like Nelson Mandela, Patrick Limumba, J.Rawlings, Shankara I ask myself where is the Africa these champions fought for? , but nonetheless we are here to make those dreams a reality.

1. We need to build our Africa so that our brothers and sister should not be taking this terrible venture through the Mediterranean that causes our youths to die in their multitude.

2. We should give to our Africa with everything within us knowing that God sent us to this world through Africa for a purpose , and that purpose to to make it better than we met it.

3. We should change the mindset of weaknesses and build a mindset of strength because as Africans, we are a strong and vibrant people.

4. We should build networks that will cause us to support our own before any other in business opportunities, Agricultural ventures, investmental projects ,societal development, skills building ,Mentorship and Coaching of the younger generation.

5. We should learn to produce first class products because we have the resources and also consume our own product made in Africa by Africans for a better Africa.

6. It’s time we fund youths with the potentials to develop new technology and hold them to work for our continent by given them scholarships, so that they should stop rushing in to the other continents in search for a greener pasture of which We are the Greenest.

7. Africa is the next world leader and we should prepare ourselves towards the new normal of the first becoming the last and the last becoming the first based on the time shift and innovations explosion.

The African youth is a successful person , blessed with best minds and adaptability strength. Let us utilize this opportunity to enhance Africa for Africans.

Author. Fonakwo Edward Tawa
I an Intentional about Africa.


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