
Kotoka International Airport named among best airports in Africa

Kotoka International Airport named among best airports in Africa

Ghana’s Kotoka International Airport has been named among the best airports in Africa under the world-renowned Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards.

The awards recognize airports around the world that deliver the best customer experience in the opinion of their own passengers. This year, 140 awards have been won by 84 individual airports, which is the largest ever number of recipients.

Ghana formed part of the first-time recipients of this award this year.

“The Airport Service Quality Awards represent the highest possible recognition for airport operators around the world and recognize excellence in customer experience,” ACI World Director General Angela Gittens said. “The awards this year have been won by a diverse group of winning airports from around the world which illustrates the industry-wide commitment to delivering exceptional customer experience.

“Delivering a better customer experience is an important business strategy in an increasingly competitive airport industry. ACI’s global ASQ programme is the only one that not only recognises excellence but also provides airports with objective measurement and benchmarking to help drive their performance.

“We are pleased to note that the five winning airports in the category of ‘Best airport by size and region (under two million passengers per year in Europe)’, are all first-time winners of an ASQ award.”

The winning airports will come together at the ASQ Awards Ceremony to be held during the third ACI Customer Experience Global Summit, taking place in Krakow, Poland in September.

The Airport Service Quality programme is the world’s leading airport customer experience measurement and benchmarking programme. The ASQ Departures programme measures passengers’ satisfaction across 34 key performance indicators. In 2019, more than half of the world’s 8.8 billion travellers passed through an ASQ airport.

The ASQ programme applies a three-level quality funnel process combining remote and on-site auditing to review more than 150 unique checkpoints to ensure ASQ data collection requirements are achieved by all participating airports. The quality checkpoints ensure the benchmarking and findings from the ASQ departure survey remain of the highest quality.

To be eligible for an ASQ Award, an airport must be compliant across all quality checks throughout the year. Any breach of the data collection requirements results in the exclusion from ASQ Awards. Through ACI’s stringent approach to quality, airports can be assured of the validity of the data.

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