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7 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Do Before 7 a.m.

Entrepreneurs are a unique breed of people. We like to do things our way and are known for our almost obsessive attraction to habits. But,

10 things to change in Ghana

Charles Wundengba
Allow Full Local Freedom 1. Allow full local freedom and empowerment- to elect their town council and Mayors, and District and Regional Chief Executives, to

I Believe in Africa (YALI Theme Song) by LAMBOGINNY

Charles Wundengba
‘I Believe in Africa’ is a master piece written, composed and sang by the Nigerian Dance-hall/Afro-beat singer Lamboginny, in way of supporting the Young African Leaders
Editor's PicksOpinion

Dealing With Your Comfort Zone

What is the Comfort Zone? The “Comfort Zone” is any situation you find yourself in that gives you a sense of satisfaction; or where the
Business Strategy

4 Things I Learnt From My High School Mentor About Leadership

Charles Wundengba
Mentors are treasures. They are valuable “minerals” that require delicate digging to discover. It means if you need a mentor, you must get digging; it
Business Strategy

The dark side of transparency

Executives need to get smarter about when to open up and when to withhold information so they can enjoy the benefits of organizational transparency while