
Pornography: Dethroning the God of the Bod

In the 1980’s, due to the efforts of many Christian organizations, pornography in the USA was on the decrease. Today, on the Internet, there are 7 million porn sites with 10,000 new sites starting up WEEKLY! This does not include the magazines, movies, videos, cable, clubs, etc., all of which have already made porn so easily accessible.

Considering that there’s nothing new under the sun, it should not surprise us that the enemy of our souls (minds, will and emotions) would choose seduction as the tool with which to begin dismantling the spiritual fiber of the Body of Christ. Nothing new? Remember Balaam, the prophet with the talking

donkey (Numbers 22)? When he was unable to place a curse upon the Israelites, his advice to the Moabites (the descendants of the sexual union of Lot and his daughters), was to have the Moabite women SEDUCE the Israelites and draw them away from their faith thus weakening them as a nation (Numbers 25 & 31:16).

Using Israel as a “type” of the body of Christ, wouldn’t it stand to reason that 50% of all our ministers surveyed anonymously responded that they DO look at porn? This addiction impacts their marriages, their ministries, and their flocks. When pillars fall, people get hurt. Smite the shepherd, scatter the sheep (Mark 14:27).

Nothing new.

Porn is idolatry (Romans 1:24-25) and multitudes are being lured into its deceptive grasp daily. It’s addictive and, like every addiction, it promises satisfaction but leaves the victim coming up empty each time, needing more. The porn addict just can’t wait till next time, often counting the minutes till they can see it again.

The devil knew what he was doing. We’re sexual beings, designed for reproduction, to “be fruitful and multiply.” As sinful creatures, we are inclined to favor the body, and that which we see, over the soul, or the things that are spiritual, and that which we cannot see. Once we’re involved in idolatry, worshipping the creature (the body) rather than the Creator, we’re a prime candidate to become a porn addict, deceiving ourselves into thinking we can quit any time.

Scientists say that the visual stimulus of porn causes a hormone to be secreted into the bloodstream by the nervous system which goes into the brain, “locking” the pleasing image into the mind. Therefore, viewing pornographic images becomes just like a drug causing the repeated need for a “fix.” This addiction is literally as hard to overcome as that of cocaine! Porn is as far away as the next thought. We cannot run from our minds or our bodies. It’s a mind-emotion-body-drug-thing and the devil knows it.

So, what’s the harm? To begin with, it’s an obvious lie! We are 3-part beings, Body, Soul & Spirit. Porn only shows us 1/3 of what those who are modeling are all about: the body. They are not sex objects…they’re people made in the image of God and He loves them. Jesus died for them. They, along with the photographers, publishers, designers, club managers, and all who are associated, need our prayers, NOT our participation. These people are somebody’s relatives, a son or daughter, perhaps with a praying grandmother who needs you to join her in prayer.

The largest consumers of porn in the USA are 12 to 17 years old. Strangely, eighty per cent of sexual assault victims are under 18. See any connection? We become what we surround ourselves with. It’s a $1-billion dollar per year industry offering unlimited access without accountability. Not only that, but porn opens the door for additional habits and addictions including viewing strip shows, prostitution, immorality, infidelity, and sexual selfishness, thus affecting marriages. More? Since addictions generally attract other addictions, alcohol, smoking, drugs, theft, and crime usually lurk nearby.

Porn addicts often find sexual partners to help them fulfill their fantasies. They may even marry with this intent. Though they may actually fall in love, the addict’s craving for porn coupled with the desire to reenact the porn they’ve seen but with their unwilling partner thus takes its toll on the relationship. Over 80% of those who come out of porn say that it distorted their sexuality. They admit to its deception, causing them to believe they’d be OK once they had a sex partner through marriage. Some say that the porn they viewed through curiosity caused them to question their sexual preferences as they exposed themselves to every conceivable act, thereby damaging their self-image. And it’s not only a male problem. Girls are equally as vulnerable.

As with any addiction, the deeper one gets into porn, the further they drift from God. Though He promises never to leave or forsake us, unworthiness sets in, hindering our opportunities for growth in Him. Additional consequences include: hindered and destroyed relationships, partners feeling inadequate to please, self-condemnation, emotional strain, depression, rejection, and even suicide.

Is there hope? Yes! There IS a way out. Don’t be ashamed. If you need help, ask. Seek counsel, prayer, accountability. Follow these six steps:

1. Be honest with yourself right away. Acknowledge the problem

2. Make yourself accountable. Shine the light of truth on the problem.

“Confess your sins to one another” (James 5:16).

3. Dispose of materials. Get a filtering service, move the computer to the family room (7 in 10 Christian homes have the Internet but only 1 in 10 have filters).

4. Be patient. Resist defeat. Gradually in, gradually out.

5. Remember that GOD delivers and gives grace to the humble.

6. Pray for the individuals whose images may captivate your mind. Ask God to break your heart to help anyone trapped in this industry or struggling with porn addiction.

From MTV to cable, magazine covers to classified sections, strip joints to the Internet, you do NOT want this to become a dominant factor in your life. God is with us. Sex was His idea and satan has perverted it. Let’s take ground today!


Rom 1:24-25

Ephesians 5:3

1 Corinthians 10:13

John 3:19-21

James 4:7

Matthew 5:28

Ps. 51:3-4

Isaiah 1:18-19

Numbers 32:23

Prov. 16:2

by Michael Tummillo

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