
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Let me summarize Stephen Covey’s gems of wisdom for you in my own language.

Habit 1: Take Initiative. Don’t expect anyone to fix your life. Don’t wait for your life to change. Your life will never improve by chance, but by change. Take baby steps today.

Habit 2: Envision the Life You Want. Have a burning desire to succeed. Specify your goals in life. Then your annual, monthly and daily goals. If you don’t write down your goals, you’ll be all over.

Habit 3: Prioritize Important Over Urgent. Be focused. Selection is the name of the game. Say no to secondary activities. Don’t run your life by impulse. Be driven by a sense of mission.

Habit 4: Seek Mutual Benefits. Don’t take advantage of people. Add genuine value to others. Everyone you help is an investment on yourself. If you don’t invest in others, nobody will ever help you.

Habit 5: Listen and Understand the Other First. Keep your ear on the ground. Listen to understand before seeking to be understood. Wisdom is appreciating other people’s perspectives.

Habit 6: Collaborate to Create Possibilities. One is too small a number for greatness. Your network is your net-worth. To achieve massive success, build strategic partnerships.

Habit 7: Practice Self-Renewal. You’ll never rise above your mind. Your life reveals the quality of your thoughts. Structure your continuous learning. Never graduate from learning.

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