Marketing4 Entrepreneurial and small business lessons from 18th century Ashanti EmpireCharles WundengbaMarch 29, 2021September 30, 2023 by Charles WundengbaMarch 29, 2021September 30, 20230424 The Ashanti Empire was one of the most endearing, richest and powerful dynasties to ever exist in West Africa. It offers individuals and businesses the...
ProfilesThe 16th Century Entrepreneur Who Created the Concept of the TaxiCharles WundengbaApril 9, 2020September 30, 2023 by Charles WundengbaApril 9, 2020September 30, 20230920 The 16th century was a time of amazing transformation in Europe. The Dark Ages were gone, the Black Plague had run it course and Middle...
NewsThe Business of the 21st Century: ReviewCharles WundengbaApril 6, 2020 by Charles WundengbaApril 6, 202001089 Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the best-selling series of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” books has recently published a new book. This is a review of...