
Tag : leadership models


Understanding Group and Personal Ethics – Nu Leadership Series

Charles Wundengba
Men cease to interest us when we find their limitations. The sin is limitations. As soon as you once come up to a man’s limitations,...
Business Strategy

Leadership Expectations – 20 Expectations For Leadership Success

Charles Wundengba
How many times are individuals hired into leadership positions without really knowing what their own leadership expects of them? This is especially troublesome for those...
Business Strategy

ABC’s Of Leadership – K Is For Knowledge

Charles Wundengba
We have all heard the saying “knowledge is power,” which many believe is attributed to Sir Francis Bacon back in the late sixteenth century. A...
Business Strategy

3 Reasons why Good Leaders Must Be Flexible and Adaptable

Charles Wundengba
All good leaders must be flexible and adaptable. Leaders who think they know everything better than anyone else in their organization are likely to fail....
Business Strategy

Fractal Leadership

Charles Wundengba
Fractal Basics: Fractal Geometry refers to the repeating patterns in nature. The concept is simple, yet so vast and far reaching. Some Scientists say that...
Business Strategy

Honest, Open, and Ethical Leadership Nurtures Organizational Morale

Charles Wundengba
Honest Leadership Leadership is the art of motivating people to achieve a common goal. Effective leadership requires honesty (truthfulness) which fosters trust. Past research supports...
Business Strategy

Transformational Leadership Theory – The 4 Key Components in Leading and Managing Change

Charles Wundengba
Transformational leadership theory is all about leadership that creates positive change in the followers whereby they take care of each other’s interests and act in...
Business Strategy

The Relationship Between Leadership and Influence

Charles Wundengba
What is the relationship between leadership and influence? Is leadership always influence and is influence always leadership? To say that leadership always entails influence is...