
Tag : self esteem exercises


When I Tell My Husband That His Cheating Wrecked My Self-Esteem, He Claims His Confidence Is Low Too

Charles Wundengba
Many wives who are dealing with the aftermath of an affair will tell you that this process has affected their self-respect or their self-esteem. This...

Self Esteem Boosters For Women

Charles Wundengba
Healthy self-esteem is a key to women’s holistic health. Self-esteem issues are the most prevalent mental health problem among women. Body image is very important;...

Understanding the Difference Between Humility and Low Self Esteem

Charles Wundengba
Humility has long been considered a desirable personality trait. We accept the accolade that humility precedes greatness; in the absence of one the other cannot...

10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Charles Wundengba
Self-esteem is the backbone of a person’s success. It is a quality which helps you realize your potential and worth, so that you always work...

The Connection Between Self Esteem And Positive Thinking

Charles Wundengba
Individuals with poor self-esteem have a hard time adopting a positive view on life. Childhood experiences play a major part in the development of self-esteem,...

Low Self-Esteem Can Lead to “Validation Addiction”

Charles Wundengba
“Validation Addiction” is not a recognized term in the addiction or the mental health community. It is a term that the author has created to...

7 Secrets to Improve Self-Esteem

Charles Wundengba
Low self-esteem is not a problem only faced by teenagers and youngsters. There are many adults today – even in their golden years – who...