
Talent Bridge Africa Build Programme 2021 for Entrepreneurs.

Talent Bridge Africa Build Programme 2021 for Entrepreneurs.

Talent Bridge Africa invites applications for the Build Programme for African innovators building thriving communities in 2021. The Build Program is a 10-month innovation program open to ambitious individuals: working professionals, recent graduates, or students passionate about solving problems in Africa.


To qualify for either phases the Innovation must meet the following criteria:

1. Must be a true innovation (either nothing like it in the market or significantly improves an existing solution)

2. Must be able to demonstrate the impact the Innovation will have in the Education, Health or Agriculture sectors

3. Must be able to reach at least 20,000 people (direct and indirect users)

4. Must apply technology to reach its users

5. Must have a minimum of three team members registered with us. Teams with both genders represented will be scored higher than those without

6. Must be self sustaining

7. Must have presence in Kenya

8. You may submit only one (1) application per team in each application round

Fund phase criteria

To qualify for the Fund phase the Innovation must meet the following criteria:

1. Must have a ready Innovation (product or service) that has been taken to the market and has demonstrable demand over at least 4 months. If your Innovation has not developed to this stage you can apply for the Build phase

2. Must have a viable registered entity in Kenya that can be funded

3. Must have at least one full-time working member

4. Applicant must be a director in the registered entity

5. You must have been operating for at least one (1) year

Build phase criteria

To qualify for the Build phase the Innovation must meet the following criteria:

1. Must have be a clearly defined idea with a documented concept note

2. Must complete the Build phase in a maximum duration of 6 months

3. Must be available to participate fully in all aspects of the program

4. Must contribute Ksh 2,900 ($29) per team member per month for the duration they are in the BUILD phase. Student team members have a further subsidy and will contribute Ksh 1,200 ($12) per team member per month. This co-pay requirement will help eliminate any loose association and any team that is not committed.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Talent Bridge Africa Build Programme 2021


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