
KCIC Green Economy Youth Activation Programme for young Kenyan entrepreneurs.

KCIC offers incubation, capacity building, and financing options to new, small and medium business ventures and Kenyan entrepreneurs that are developing innovations to address the challenges of climate change. We provide holistic and country-driven support to accelerate the development, deployment, and transfer of locally relevant climate technologies.

Target Group: Youth entrepreneurs engaged forestry, agroforestry, and forest product value chains

Eligibility Criteria

Youth Entrepreneur (Individual or Group) aged 18 to 35 years

Engaged in the following activities:

  • Demonstrating sustainable practices in forest management and tree harvesting to build resilient forests
  • Use of technologies to grow and monitor forest coverage that reduce deforestation and degradation
  • Innovative best practices in agroforestry (includes fruit trees) that enhance agricultural landscape resiliency, facilitate species movement to more favorable conditions, sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Commercial tree nurseries and seeds production facilities
  • Efficient production, processing and use of wood raw material

Agro forestry value chain activities include (for timber and non – timber products): harvesting, cleaning, transport, design, processing, production, transformation, packaging, marketing, distribution and support services.

Non – timber forestry products include: medicinal extracts, cosmetic extracts (e.g. aloe, resins, essential oils), foods (juices, jams, honey)

Female applicants are encouraged to apply

Evaluation and Selection Criteria

Innovation: The applicant must demonstrate that the business/concept is innovative in the way it addresses an identified problem in the market. Innovation can be in product, process, distribution or organizational.

Impact: Entrepreneurs ability to meet the projects  targets e.g. (CO2 reduction, job creation/skills transfer, increased food security, forestry value chain contribution, soil conservation, sustainable chemical use, water conservation, environmental conservation)

Feasibility: Whether is the business/concept is feasible from a technical and business perspective. The analysis will have to be in depth taking note of industry trends and other market dynamics that will determine whether the business can be scaled up.

Progress to date: Entrepreneurs should have made some progress and shown commitment to their innovation prior to being accepted as a client.

Gender: At least 20 of enterprises selected must be owned (majority ownership) /led/operated by females. For groups, majority of the members must be women to qualify as women led.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the KCIC Green Economy Youth Activation Programme

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