
Husband and Wife Co-Founders Create and Launch 1st Social Network for the Agile Community

Husband and Wife Co-Founders Create and Launch 1st Social Network for the Agile Community

DeMario and Dawn Nicole McIlwain, the husband and wife team behind Agile Week Carolinas, a dedicated annual platform for companies, teams and individuals to discover what’s new, changing, or trending in Agile, is excited to launch a first of its kind, social networking site for Agile Professionals. “Essentially, like a Facebook of the Agile community,” says DeMario.The Agile community is made up of an estimated 1.5 million Agile practitioners globally who use Agile principles in their daily work to support, manage and deliver small-large scale projects, and/or to solve complex problems.

The growing use of Agile methods have resulted in increased value for organizations who will continue to adopt Agile frameworks at an enterprise level. According to a Feb 2020 article source at Allied Market Research, the enterprise agile transformation services market in the U.S. is predicted to reach $18.19 billion by 2026:

As the demand for Agile grows, with it, a booming surge of Agilists who desire to stay connected.

This is where AgileConneX solves the problem, in that its social network makes it easier for Agilists to meet online and stay better connected to the conversation, as they look to contribute, collaborate and co-work virtually in an Agile world.

Unlike the hassle of today where navigating the noise of other social networks leaves this fast-growing community with hit or miss engagement, AgileConneX enables Agilists to exchange ideas, access opportunities and share resources globally!

When members sign up, they are instantly eligible to access a variety of community groups, can directly connect with members of the global Agile community and will be able to network with like-minded individuals who share common interests.

AgileConneX also promotes engagement by rewarding members with points for things like setting up a complete profile, posting content, liking member’s content and overall responsiveness. The creators want it to be a social network where emerging, established and expert Agilists feel welcomed, inspired and connected!

Join or learn more by going to AgileConneX.com

For press inquiries, contact Dawn Nicole McIlwain at 800-440-6853 or dawnnicole@charlotteagile.com


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