
Calling All Education Entrepreneurs!_The need to Innovate and Reimagine has never been higher

Calling All Education Entrepreneurs!

__The need to #Innovate and #Reimagine has…

In my comments after last week’s post, I introduced you to two types of entrepreneurs that Africa desperately needs: 1) Food Entrepreneurs and 2) Mineral Entrepreneurs. Now I want to add a third: Education Entrepreneurs.

Take a look at these opportunities to reach out and meet human needs:

#1. Africa needs to educate over 750m people that are under the age of 20. Think about it!

#2. Africa needs to educate over 400m adults who cannot read or write. Think about it!

#3. Africa needs to create skills development opportunities for over 750m young people so they can be employable, especially with 4IR skills and related “soft” skills needed in the new 4IR technology-led economies, to ensure more inclusive prosperity. And of course they also need training in financial literacy, business and entrepreneurship, too. Think about it!

#4. Africa needs to update the skills of more than 500m people so that they can earn better incomes. Think about it!

An Education Entrepreneur does not see problems, but opportunities! An Education Entrepreneur knows how to start small. If you are a teacher, for example, you can start an Online class for free so that you can develop your digital skills. Think about it!

I get so excited when I see Education Entrepreneurs who are using Sasai Watch and Sasai Podcast to post lessons for a broader student base.

Let’s #ReImagine Education through entrepreneurship!

Why can’t more teachers offer tutorials using online platform like Sasai Watch and Sasai Podcast? It does not cost anything except time, and passion.

If I were a High School teacher, I would post tutorials on difficult issues that my students struggle with. Just imagine what could happen!!!

What an opportunity for someone who sees themselves as an EducationEntrepreneur!

You have heard my challenges to you here before: Can you #Innovate in the digital age? Can you make money through #Innovation?

I have two billionaire friends who each started their careers as school teachers. Do you know who they are?

There is a saying in my language which literally means: “The best opportunities fall to those who don’t know how to take advantage of them.”

Students, parents, schools, teachers and policymakers across the world are facing extraordinary education crises because of COVID school closures and disruptions that impacted an estimated 1,6bn learners in 199 countries…

An education challenge of this scale and complexity has never happened before!

Will it be Africa who leads the way in #Education #Innovations at this unprecedented time?

Soon we will know (but we don’t yet) who will be the first mover and who will be the fast followers (and the slow followers, too). Maybe it will be one or more of you here.

There’s no time to waste to get things back on track, then better than than ever before… The clock for our students (of all ages) is ticking.

Let’s talk.



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Strive Masiyiwa March 9, 2021 at 9:17 pm

Afterthought 3.
Have you checked out @SimbaEducation and some of our other edutech initiatives like @AkelloEdutech? Early childhood education is critical for building up the learning capacity of our newest generations, and not just through schools!

__Read to your children, for example, every single day if you can, even when they are small toddlers. You can’t imagine how important this is, plus it’s special quality time.


Tijjani Ibn Aliyu March 9, 2021 at 9:23 pm

You are absolutely right Chief, The pandemics lockdown has fuel the transformation of education into the digital platforms. Am following this post to learn more about the positives from digitizing learning and how best African can stay within the huge progress made in the edtech space

Ikema Johnson Ikechukwu March 9, 2021 at 9:24 pm

Education is a wide and HIGHLY untapped resource in Africa.

With the COVID-19, opportunities have exploded!

I educate people online on how to use social media to strengthen their sales in business.


The market is still very huge!

Thank you sir for this.

Austin Uzim March 9, 2021 at 9:24 pm

I have uploaded four maths classes with hashtag #SasaiFreeOnlineMathClass on both watch and moments today.

Everyday, I shall share 10 educational videos on the maths category. And gradually, we will get English teachers and teachers in all subjects to allow us post their videos on Sasai Watch and Sasai moment.

Our target it to get more people to watch what will improve their lives and earning via Sasai not just crack jokes and laugh out loud.

I chose neither to be a “worker nor an employee” I will rather be a Talent Manager!


Blessedmoses Mangoto March 9, 2021 at 9:26 pm

The problem is the adults want to work alone without excluding me the learner in most cases …Let’s work together teachers and students alike and create the magic the #eduentrepreneurship

Faleye King Solomon March 9, 2021 at 9:50 pm

Am actually setting up a platform called Team Empire Tertiary Academy TETRA, it aim to eradicate illiteracy, hunger and poverty in Africa using education as the basic tools and leveraging on entrepreneur.

Boakai F. Massaquoi March 9, 2021 at 10:53 pm

“The clock for all students is ticking”. Yes sir, it is and as such more need to be done to enhance the education sectors of Africans Nations through our innovative skills.

Champion Ali Uchenna March 9, 2021 at 11:00 pm

I have been on it @Future champions computer education center
Where kids have been learning computer skills on one on one tutelage, kids who might have hit 18yrs old without having access to computer
Their performance have been amazing and we are still innovating but yet to make money out of it until we scale up, of course we have the market and we have tested our diligence on this course
With just one computer I have acquainted over 6 kids and my daughter with basic computer skills for close to 2yrs now
Thanks Father Strive Sir

Paul Makwarimba March 9, 2021 at 11:19 pm

Definitely, if we are ever to move towards the development of this great continent, education is a key sector

On last weeks comments; my focus us is on the food industry. I agree; this is a great platform to invest.
The lack of food/hunger on this continent, ahows that this is most opportunistic field to invest in.

Farai Chakabva March 10, 2021 at 12:04 am

Indeed you are an education entrepreneur mr masiyiwa, by introducing sasai you made a great impact, we can take advantage of this platform to enhance our education standards in all angles especially in zimbabwe were teachers usually goes on strike, I thank you so much

Blessing Machiya Shumbakadzi March 10, 2021 at 1:39 am

I’m not much of an expert on education but after experiencing first hand how disruptive the Corona virus has been on children’s education I think we can do more to ensure that all children be able to access online learning platforms by providing school teachers with laptops and smartphones to be able to teach during lockdowns. We also need to have solar powered devices that give access to education in rural areas. I am working towards a day that I will be able to make a difference to at least one disadvantaged school. One child at a time, one school at a time, we can make a difference

Robert Munyiri March 10, 2021 at 1:42 am

This on itself is an educational platform , a master’s class, for transforming our business mindsets and embracing IT technologies and communication as enablers.

Eric Captain Chege March 10, 2021 at 3:01 am

A successful entrepreneur does not move with time. A successful entrepreneur moves ahead of time.

Strive Masiyiwa.

Russells Apuam Enogha March 10, 2021 at 3:23 am

This is my challenge and the eagle in me is rising. I believe in the human potential and I am so passionate about education.

I will one day lead an educational revolution across Africa.

Banabasi Marambire March 10, 2021 at 3:49 am

We have transformed our physical school into a digital platform where students experience the same learning practice that they would experience in a normal physical environment. The challenge is data to connect to such platforms.

Part Zhou March 10, 2021 at 4:24 am

Education being one of the most affected system due to the pandemic there is need to come out with solutions to bridge the gap caused by Covid 19.It is critical to come up with innovations as Afripreneurs like creating an online platforms that help students to access education staff even with limited resources .A cheap platform that does not cost them too much .Sasai podcasts is also an opportunity on its own to help in this crisis

Ronard Kachaje March 10, 2021 at 5:12 am

I believe that education is the only tool that can transform Africa to great heights. The numbers are not good and we need to do more so that we can make Africa a better place to live. From Success Magazine mw one of our objectives is to educate. It’s a bit different because we give different from of education. We educate those who are already literate. One of our recent newsletter which has got more information on educating and challenging the youths can be accessed through the link below

As an entrepreneur and someone with strong interest in youths, the numbers are disheartening and we will try to find an angle where we can help the African illiterate to be able to read. This is something that i need to discuss with my team to see how best we can also educate the illiterate using our platforms

Amukun Emmanuel March 10, 2021 at 5:27 am

Whoever will solve Africa’s education problem will become a definite Billionaire, because Africa has unique challenges. The biggest being connectivity, and Affordability of Gadgets.

Usher Ushehwashe Mudzongo March 10, 2021 at 5:56 am

From spiritually to physically we’re blessed to have an such man who sacrifice to open our eyes each and every day 🙏🙏

Kopanang Enoch Lehlakametsa March 10, 2021 at 6:25 am

Thank you mr Strive I m here in Lesotho i have been procrastinating about education entrepreneur, at the end of this month I m going to start I just felt empowered after reading this post

Anas Abdullahi March 10, 2021 at 6:46 am

that is very very important epport so the only problems is our leaders in African countries who is our leaders our leaders they corrupted peoples invalid no more given to any investment in our countries

Patrick Eritu March 10, 2021 at 7:18 am

Yes, another assignment on the tables. Thank you daddy for always loving us through this kind of thought provoking posts. Am on it and seriously engaging stakeholders for advanced role out in rural communities. We have called it Covid-19 education challenge 4 me. Project and this is possible with the engagement of parents, policy makers and education experts which am.

Kate Khasoa-Kole March 10, 2021 at 7:41 am

As a Brand Strategist am grateful to have spearheaded education as a point of interest among the clients I serve. Am Cathrine Khasoa, a Brand Strategist

Huggins Huge Mashavira March 10, 2021 at 8:41 am

This is very very true, I myself at the age of 35 when I realized that I am an entrepreneur, in property business I realized how much I needed to educate myself in mathematics accountancy, 3D drawing and other related subject though I have enough knowledge for now but I really need to increase my knowledge in those subjects because the company will grow and the things will need more and knowledge than I have now

Brandon Oben March 10, 2021 at 11:11 am

Last year I revised the HND with two students online on WhatsApp. I used mostly the voice messaging, and the writing.
This year I’m doing the same but for free. You will have to get a copy of my HND Revision Handbook to participate.

Part Zhou March 10, 2021 at 11:23 am

Yes and its now even much easier with this modern technology around this World .Many platforms provides so many opportunities to do anything around the world

Gladman Mundingi March 10, 2021 at 4:52 pm

How can I share a few PowerPoint slides to elaborately respond to this? Overall redesigning our communities is critical for us to transform to appreciable spheres. We have too many structural challenges hindering the well-being of a person. In Europe small villages have clustered and organised their communities such that resource access is simple and efficient. I have confidence that we can do the same if not more. We have the numbers and the resources but the paradigm…just the mindset. Maybe we need to get out of the allegorical curve. How can I expand and share a brain storming process I have been going through after realizing the need to improve/remodel all sectors in distributing resources in Africa

Chol Ayol March 10, 2021 at 8:31 pm

#shout out to education entr epreneur in eswatini! Khabazela mhlanga writes, you are right @ strive masiyiwa, in January this year, 2021,I started tutoring primary schools learners from grade 3 to 6 in eswatini via WhatsApp recorded videos and WhatsApp video. For the first week I did the service for free, kine academy some people made

Wisdom Micheal March 11, 2021 at 5:17 am


“…the return to normal doesn’t mean that we should return to old habits”… Dr. Strive Masiyiwa.

Thank you Sir.

Education is where my passion lies and being an #educationenterpreneur is a sure goal for me.

Thomas Emmanuel March 11, 2021 at 7:52 am

Am downloading sasai again and I will be teaching photography, Photoshop, portrait lighting and selling luts.

Very exciting.

Tendai Chigiji March 11, 2021 at 2:43 pm

Thank you Sir for this interesting informative ,thank you Sir for the Sasai platform you have created,it unique, interesting,l am now addicted to Sasai Sir,l now use Sasai to watch videos,to connect to wifi,watch business sermon like strive Masiyiwa,to call,video call,chat to connect to friends,and family.

Lionel Naidoo March 12, 2021 at 3:25 am

Hello Strive. Remember me from PTC . Well I have been training for years in various countries and would give back anytime as you know. But the powers to be appear not very interested in seeing progress on the continent . If I am wrong let me know. Go well .

Charles Elo Ezeh March 12, 2021 at 7:39 am

Thank you very much sir for this write-up.

Education Entrepreneur is so needed in Africa because of the prevailing issues surrounding the continent. Recently I had a FREE online training on personal branding to help so many youths rebrand themselves to capture their desired market on social media and teach them how to share their stories constructively because they underutilize the tech space. It was awesome and eye opener to so many.

In less than 48hrs I had 2 WhatsApp groups filled up and the 3rd halfway. I could see the hunger and desire to learn in them so I poured out all I know unreserved.

My joy is that I was able to pass knowledge across and seeing most of the participants implement what they learned gives me joy.

You have been a great inspiration and will always be. Africa needs #EducationEntrepreneur now more than ever before.

God bless!

Rex Azumara March 12, 2021 at 10:55 am

If u want to be an edupreneur read a book on teaching and psychology. Also a book on developmental psychology.

Strive Masiyiwa March 12, 2021 at 12:05 pm

#Breaking News!

Next week on Tuesday President Felix Tshisekedi of the DRC will officially commission our fibre link from which runs from the port city of Moanda on the Atlantic, through Kinshasa the Capital, to Lubumbashi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
I consider this project one of the most important in my entire 35 year career as an African entrepreneur.
This was a really difficult project to undertake for us and our partners. It took more than 10 years from when we first arrived in Lubumbashi in the South to finally get to Kinshasa.
There were so many challenges:
#1. Getting from Lubumbashi to Kinshasa is a journey of more than 2300Km, through the world’s second largest rain forest.
The way it was done was to piggyback the fibre cable on top of the power grid that runs through this forest.
Once the cable was in place, we had a problem of providing power to the 16 repeater stations that drive the signal through the Fibre. Our team at Distributed Power Africa [DPA] built this unique power system, and installed it in less than 12 months.
#2. Finance:
Financing something like this is just not easy. I remember going to see the World Bank to plead on behalf of the DRC government, to fund the project. In the end they funded part of it, whilst a private sector consortium of telecom operators, and SNEL [the power company of DRC] did the rest.
There were other partners who got involved from all over the world who prefer to remain in the back ground.
#3. Politics:
This project would have been hard enough without the politics. At one time it just stopped because of political wrangling.
Then one day a new and dynamic leader was elected. He called me, and asked me to go to Kinshasa, where I had not been in almost 30 years. He knew all about the work, and why it had always stalled.

He asked me what we needed to complete the work. We shook hands, and I got our people back to work.

People my age talk a lot about legacy initiatives. I would like our work to get this done to be one of mine.
I’m super proud of the more than 10,000 people who worked on this.
We are still working on other great projects in DRC:
1. We have more than 5000 people digging the 2000 km to cross from Kinshasa to Kigali.
2. We have a special project to cross the Congo River to link Kinshasa and Brazzaville. This will be completed by end of March.
3. We are linking Kinshasa to Luanda. This will be finished end of April.

Joanne Shea Low Bollinger March 12, 2021 at 2:20 pm

Critical words. Do we allow the potential of so many young lives and minds to remain untapped? The opportunities are endless and the hopes are high.
WISE Zambia is doing phenomenal work in a distant corner of Zambia.

Gideon Chimbarami March 13, 2021 at 6:35 am

Good work my Brother man How I wish All our African Heads of States could see the vision of our tomorrow people, and accelerate the construction and state funding of such projects and make Africa a better place for generations to come .Misters Governments please promote visionary Entrepreneurs

Strive Masiyiwa March 14, 2021 at 12:42 pm


How do we make money from Sasai?

Now that we have finally completed the Sasai Super App platform:
I want you to sit down and look carefully at each of the 14 “in Apps” that make up the Super App, and tell me how each one makes money [or perhaps not].
If you owned Sasai App, how would you expect to make money from it?

Imagine if I appointed you CEO of just one of those 14-In Apps; how would you make money:
What would be THE REVENUE MODEL?

Give me a pitch!

Even better, I have created opportunities for thousands of entrepreneurs:
Can you see any of them?

I want this to be the subject of a discussion on Sasai Live Stream in the near future. So your views do matter, if I’m going to invite you.


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