
With as low as GHc50, Codegaia provides you lifetime access to Coding courses

With as low as GHc50, Codegaia provides you lifetime access to Coding courses

Almost all devices have some form of coding within them. For instance, your mobile phone work because of coding, the apps on your mobile device came through coding. Steve Jobs once said everyone must learn to code because it teaches you to think. With coding, you will start to solve problems critically using the knowledge accumulated.

Programming has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that it holds the key to human progress. From AI to IoT and many more which are gradually emerging and adopted by big corporations worldwide.

With coding, you can turn yourself into a freelancer and earn money in a space where you decide the time to work, what to wear and what to charge. You take full control of your life with solid knowledge in coding.

Drew Houston of Dropbox once said coding is the next thing to a superpower. It’s true in a sense that with this level of knowledge, whatever your mind can conceive can be created without limitation.

With a background in coding, you can create something to dominate the industry. This domination brings along several benefits of which money is part. The more valuable your platform becomes to people, the more money you get.

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