Fact: Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) is an excellent fuel for heating, cooking and for automotive use. LPG cylinders are safe if used correctly. However, if...
The Ashanti Empire was one of the most endearing, richest and powerful dynasties to ever exist in West Africa. It offers individuals and businesses the...
Due to high cost of life, startups have become quite difficult to venture into. In fact most people especially minimal-income earners have failed to go...
We use the terms entrepreneur and small business owner interchangeably. Are they the same or are there any differences? I decided to do some research...
The following are some examples of modern financial management theories formulated on principles considered as ‘a set of fundamental tenets that form the basis for...
The best small business ideas can get started even without any investment. Although, with investments you can build a business where you will have more...
Most probably, you understand the growing importance of social media in driving customers and prospects to your website, as well as in announcing a special...
Staying organized is key to an efficient, successful small business. A must-have organization tool is the binder. A binder, with its labeled page dividers and...
The ‘Change Curve’ is a helpful tool for small businesses to understand the stages of personal transition each employee undergoes. Kubler Ross developed this model...